Ever since Halo 2, medals have been a significant feature in Halo multiplayer. These virtual accolades signify cool accomplishments performed by the player, such as killing two opponents within a few seconds of one another. Each game has a unique list of medals, and Halo Infinite is no different.
In the Technical Preview, medals were shown slightly to the left of the player's reticle whenever they were earned, and they could also be seen in the Post-Game Carnage Report. Each medal has a unique design and one of four colors indicating rarity:
The rarity of the medal affects a few in-game behaviors. Uncommon medals pop-up when they are earned, but are not announced by Jeff Steitzer. Rare and above medals are announced by Jeff Steitzer, with more enthusiastic announcements for Epic and Legendary medals. In addition to being announced by Jeff Steitzer, Legendary medals have unique messages that appear in the killfeed whenever a players earns them. For example, earning the Ninja medal causes the message "[Player 1] NINJA'd [Player 2] - hate to see it." to appear in yellow font.
This video shows how the Ninja killfeed message appears after earning the medal. Unfortunately, it is difficult to read the message in this video unless the resolution is set to 1080p. The text can be seen in the killfeed to the left.
Most of these medals were screenshotted from my own matches, but a few are using images sourced from Halopedia. If I missed a medal that can be shown with video or image proof, please let me know!
Note that the below medals are listed in alphabetical order. This unfortunately causes some oddities with the ordering of spree and multikill medals in the Legendary section.

Back Smack
Kill an enemy by hitting them from behind with melee

Save 5 allies by killing their attacker

Kill 5 enemies with launchers

Kill 5 enemies with melee

Kill 5 enemies with SMG weapons

Cluster Luck
Kill 2+ enemies with a single grenade

From the Grave
Kill an enemy after you die

Kill 5 enemies with grenades

Guardian Angel
Save an ally's life from far away

Kill 5 enemies with pistols

Grapple a distant enemy

End an enemy's killing spree

Last Shot
Kill an enemy with your magazine's last round

Kill 5 enemies with tactical rifles

Odin's Raven
Detect 3+ enemies with a single Threat Sensor

Quick Draw
Kill an enemy with a pistol immediately after switching to it

Kill an enemy who attacked you first

Kill 5 enemies with assault rifles

Kill 5 enemies with shotguns

Kill 5 enemies with sniper rifles

Headshot an enemy with a Power sniper rifle

Mark 5 enemies that are then killed

Kill an enemy by sticking them with a Plasma or Spike Grenade

Kill 5 enemies with melee weapons

Earn 10 kill assists

Achilles Spine
Kill an Overshielded enemy by hitting them from behind with melee

Bank Shot
Kill an enemy with a ricochet

Double Kill
Kill 2 enemies in quick succession

Fire & Forget
(Assumed) Kill an enemy with a rocket from far away

Hail Mary
Kill an enemy with a grenade from far away

Hold This
Kill an enemy immediately after dropping a weapon using your remaining gun

Killing Spree
Kill 5 enemies without dying

Nade Shot
Headshot an enemy immediately after damaging them with a grenade

No Scope
Kill an enemy with a Power sniper rifle without zooming

Off the Rack
Kill an enemy with a weapon immediately upon retrieving it from its spawn location

Kill an enemy with a precision weapon with peak efficiency

Shot Caller
Headshot an enemy moments after Marking them

Tag & Bag
Kill 2+ enemies while revealing them with the Threat Sensor

Kill a grappling enemy

Yard Sale
Kill an enemy who had a Power weapon and a full inventory

Kill an enemy by shooting them immediately after spinning around

Boom Block
Block an incoming projectile by deploying a Drop Wall

Combat Evolved
Catch a power weapon that was blasted off of a Weapon Pad with a Plasma Grenade

Deadly Catch
Grapple a weapon or object to you and immediately kill an enemy with it

Grand Slam
Kill 2+ enemies with a single Gravity Hammer swing

Killing Frenzy
Kill 10 enemies without dying

Sneak King
Kill a camouflaged enemy by hitting them from behind with melee

Win a game by dominating the enemy team

Triple Kill
Kill 3 enemies in quick succession

Kill 30 enemies without dying
Killfeed Message: "[Player] is the BOOGEYMAN"

Kill 40 enemies without dying
Killfeed Message: "[Player] is the DEMON"

Kill an enemy with the impact from a thrown grenade
Killfeed Message: "[Player] pitched a FASTBALL"

Grim Reaper
Kill 35 enemies without dying
Killfeed Message: "[Player] is the GRIM REAPER"

Kill 7 enemies in quick succession
Killfeed Message: "[Player] triggered a KILLIMANJARO."

Kill 10 enemies in quick succession
Killfeed Message: Unknown. I have yet to find any footage of players earning this medal.

Kill 9 enemies in quick succession
Killfeed Message: Unknown. I have yet to find any footage of players earning this medal.

Kill 5 enemies in quick succession
Killfeed Message: "[Player] achieved a KILLTACULAR"

Kill 8 enemies in quick succession
Killfeed Message: "[Player] created a KILLTASTROPHE"

Kill 6 enemies in quick succession
Killfeed Message: "[Player] committed a KILLTROCITY"

Kill 25 enemies without dying
Killfeed Message: "[Player] is a NIGHTMARE"

Kill an enemy by leaping over them and hitting them from behind with melee
Killfeed Message: "[Player] NINJA'd [EnemyPlayer] - hate to see it."

Kill 4 enemies in quick succession
Killfeed Message: "[Player] earned an OVERKILL"

Win a game with 15+ kills and no deaths
Killfeed Message: Unknown. The game finishes before this can appear.

Kill 2+ enemies with a single S7 Sniper round
Killfeed Message: "[Player] shot a QUIGLEY"

Kill 20 enemies without dying
Killfeed Message: "[Player] is on a RAMPAGE"

Remote Detonation
Kill an enemy by shooting a grenade
Killfeed Message: "[Player] set off a REMOTE DETONATION"

Running Riot
Kill 15 enemies without dying
Killfeed Message: "[Player] is on a RUNNING RIOT"
The medal system for Halo Infinite has some similarities to previous installments. Medals are awarded for multikills, sprees, and other cool actions, just as they have been since Halo 2, and the cooler medals are announced by Jeff Steitzer when they are earned. However, as with every Halo game before it, the actual medals have been changed, both in terms of what can be earned and the visual appearance of the medals. Here's what we know about the Halo Infinite medal system as we saw it in the July 2021 Technical Preview.
Halo Infinite's medals use a colored rarity system. I am unofficially referring to these rarities as Uncommon, Rare, Epic, and Legendary.
Uncommon medals (green) are not announced by Jeff Steitzer, and they are the easiest medals to earn.
Rare medals (blue) are the most common medals announced by Jeff Steitzer.
While easy to earn, they generally require that the player perform a special action.
The Double Kill and Killing Spree medals also use this rarity.
Epic medals (purple) are announced more enthusiastically, and they are harder to earn than Rare medals.
Performing a particularly stylistic action (such as turning 360 degrees around just before killing someone) will award a player one of these medals.
The Triple Kill and Killing Frenzy medals also use this rarity.
Legendary medals (red) are the most difficult medals to earn.
Earning one of these medals will result in a unique message appearing in the killfeed for everyone to see. The message shown is different for each Legendary medal.
These medals are awarded for kills earned in highly unusual and hard to perform ways, such as killing someone with the impact from an M9 Frag Grenade.
The Overkill, Running Riot, and all medals above these use this rarity.
Several medals have been renamed from their historical appearances.
Beat Down (as it appeared in Halo: Reach through Halo 5: Guardians) has been renamed to Back Smack.
Rocket Mary has been renamed to Fire & Forget.
Snapshot has been renamed to No Scope.
Untouchable has been renamed to Nightmare.
Invincible has been renamed to Boogeyman.
Inconceivable has been renamed to Grim Reaper.
Unfriggenbelievable has been renamed to Demon.
Snipeltaneous has been renamed to Quigley (a reference to Quigley Down Under).