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General UI - Technical Preview July 2021

Writer: CizlinCizlin

Here, you will find general screenshots that don't fit in any other article. These include screenshots of the Friends List, Pause Menu, and other miscellaneous UI elements within the Tech Preview.

The sections included in this article are as follows:

Competitive Skill Rank (CSR)

The above screenshot shows the explanation for Competitive Skill Rank (CSR). Although no Ranked playlists were featured in the game, there was an option to view this screen when in the Multiplayer menu. Based on the description shown, it is very similar to how it currently is in Halo 5: Guardians. I've reproduced the description below for easier reading:

"CSR measures your overall ability to win matches against opponents of each skill level: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Onyx.

"Initial Placement: Play 10 matches in a ranked playlist to determine your starting CSR for the season.

"Rank Up: Win more often than expected and rank up faster when you perform better than expected.

"Rank Down: CSR drops when you play worse than expected."

The Halo Infinite ranking system uses the same Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Onyx tiers as the Halo 5: Guardians system. Additionally, each ranked playlist will require the player to complete 10 matches in the playlist in order to receive their starting rank. The system then sets expectations for match outcome and player performance once a match has been created.

To increase your CSR, you'll need to win when you are expected to lose and perform better than the system expects, showing that your skill has increased above the system's prediction. However, performing worse than the system expects will cause your rank to decrease.

In all cases, CSR is designed to approach the game's assessment of your skill, so if you're carried to victory constantly, you might notice your CSR stagnating or barely increasing. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you are losing routinely but performing extremely well individually, your CSR will not decrease by very much.

Everything described above is also true of the current CSR system in Halo 5: Guardians, so none of this is new to Halo.

Fireteam and Friends

The Fireteam menu can be accessed by pressing the button to open the Social menu (The View button on Xbox). Here, the player can choose to leave the fireteam, mute everyone in their fireteam, access the Player Options menu for any player in their fireteam, or access the Fireteam Options menu for their fireteam. The Friends and Recent menus can also be accessed from this screen.

Within the Fireteam, the leader is marked by a gold crown icon to the right of their Gamertag. There is also a speaker icon that shows whether a player has been muted in-game. Highlighting a player will display their Spartan armor to the right. The maximum size of the Fireteam is 28 players, although only four could play together in the Tech Preview. Finally, the Fireteam Details section indicates the Privacy setting for the fireteam, Friends Only in this case.

This screenshot shows the Fireteam menu when the player is not the fireteam leader. When this is the case, the gold crown appears to the right of the leader's Gamertag, and a banner appears near the bottom of the screen saying where the leader is currently looking in the game (in this case, the leader is looking in the menus).

This screenshot shows the Fireteam menu when solo. Because the player's self is highlighted, the Battle Pass shortcut also appears in the top right.

Selecting the Fireteam banner (directly above the top player's Gamertag) will show the Fireteam Options. Only the leader can change these. The first is Privacy, which is set to Friends Only in this screenshot. The other setting is History Privacy, which is described with the following text: "Set the privacy for your Custom Game matches. Public matches can be searched by gamertag in the Theater Browser." It is currently set to Share.

There are a few noteworthy points in that description. For one, it sounds like players can actively search for a player's Theater films without them needing to use something like the File Share. If true, this would be extremely significant for players looking to find recaps or, perhaps, even spectate players they have not added to their Friends List.

Ultimately, this is all speculation for now. We still do not have much information on Theater as it will appear in Halo Infinite, but the existence of a Theater Browser that allows players to search for matches by Gamertag is quite intriguing.

This screenshot shows all the options for the Privacy Fireteam Option. Players can choose to make their fireteam open to Friends (Friends Only), closed except for invites (Invite Only), or open to all (Open).

The Match History setting has two options: Share and Hide. The Share option likely allows players to seek out your Custom Games, at least in terms of spectating and Theater films. The Hide option would block this.

If you are the leader of your fireteam, viewing the Player Options for another player in your fireteam displays the information shown above. The player's Status (whether they are online and, if so, where in game they are), Privacy (i.e. Fireteam Privacy), and Players (i.e. fireteam player count) are shown under their Emblem. You will have the option to Mute the selected player or Promote them to fireteam leader. The Join and Invite options are disabled since you are both in the same fireteam.

Further player options available to the fireteam leader include Boot, which removes the player from the fireteam; Follow, which adds the player to the Friends List (only enabled if the player is not already on this list); Gamercard, which opens the player's Gamercard in the Xbox UI; and Report, which can be used to file a report against the player for misconduct.

When you are not the leader, bringing up the Player Options for another player in your fireteam will open this menu. As with the previous Player Options menu, there are Mute, Join, Invite, and Follow options. However, Promote and Boot are no longer listed, as these are reserved for the fireteam leader.

The Gamercard and Report options are also available to non-leaders within the fireteam.

When selecting oneself as a member of a fireteam, two options are available: Leave and Gamercard. Leave removes oneself from their fireteam, while Gamercard opens the player's own Gamercard in the Xbox UI.

When selecting oneself while alone, only the Gamercard option is available. Note that the Players number was delayed, as I had just left my fireteam when I took this screenshot.

This screenshot shows the Friends list. Friends are grouped by fireteam, and Offline friends appear at the bottom of the online friends. When viewing a fireteam that is already in a match, the Privacy, Mode, Map, and Match Time are shown. Additionally, if you are waiting to join a match in progress, there will be a banner at the bottom of the screen indicating the Mode and how long you have been waiting to join.

When selecting another fireteam in the Friends list, two options appear: Invite All and Join. Invite All sends an invite to all members of the target fireteam, regardless of whether they are on your Friends list, while Join adds you to the target fireteam, provided their Fireteam Privacy settings allow it.

Selecting a player within a fireteam on the Friends List brings up the same information and options as selecting another player in one's fireteam as a non-leader. The Mute, Join, Invite, and Follow options are all available. In this case, Join and Invite cannot be selected since I was waiting to join a multiplayer match in progress. While waiting in the menus, these options would have been available.

The Gamercard and Report options are also available in this Player Options view, as one might expect.

Pause Menus

Pressing the "Menu" button on Xbox brings up a "Pause" menu that varies depending on what the player is currently doing in the game (e.g. what game mode are they playing, are they in the menus, etc.).

Bringing up the Pause Menu in Bot Slayer shows the game mode in the top right followed by a brief description (this is hard to see in this screenshot, unfortunately.) The game mode is Slayer Bots and the description reads, "Slayer against Bot Opponents." The active Challenges can be seen on the right, and the player can choose to Resume, open Settings, or Leave Game.

Bringing up the "Pause Menu", or Control Panel, in the Main Menu offers many more options than the Bot Slayer Pause Menu. Players can access Settings, their Lobby, their Season Progress (where they are in the Battle Pass), their Last Match Results, News, Patch Notes, Support, and Credits.

Text Chat

First introduced in Halo: MCC, the Text Chat can be opened at any time by pressing and holding the "Menu" button (on controller). On Xbox, this will bring up the Xbox Keyboard, allowing players to type and send messages to other players in their lobby or game.

Here, the Text Chat has been opened and a short message has been typed. To send it, the "A" button can be pressed.

After the message is sent, it will temporarily bring up the Text Chat menu in the top right for all players who received it.


In this article, we saw some of the different UI features that were available in the Tech Preview, such as the Social menus, Text Chat, and Pause Menus. Here's a summary of the most important details that we can learn from these screenshots.

  • The Competitive Skill Rank (CSR) system will function almost identically to how it did in Halo 5: Guardians.

    • Players must complete 10 matches in a Ranked playlist within a Season in order to be placed into a rank division.

      • Rank divisions include Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Onyx, in that order.

    • Performing better than expected and winning more matches than expected will result in one's CSR increasing.

    • Performing worse than expected will result in one's CSR decreasing.

  • The Social Menu allows players to form a fireteam or join one from their Friends list.

    • Fireteams can be set to allow all Friends to join, allow everyone (including non-Friends) to join, or only allow those invited to join.

    • Fireteam Custom Game match history can be hidden from other players in the Theater Browser. Little is known about the Theater Browser, but it appears to be a way to view and watch a player's match history by searching their Gamertag.

    • Fireteam leaders can promote another player in their fireteam to leader or boot the player to remove them from the fireteam.

    • All players can Report others through the Social Menu using the in-game Report button.

    • Players can be individually muted, or the player can mute everyone in their lobby at once.

  • Pause Menus vary based on where in the game they are displayed.

    • In Bot Slayer, the Pause Menu displays the active Challenges, the name and description for the mode, and the ability to change Settings or Quit.

    • In the Main Menu, the Pause Menu is called "Control Panel", and it includes options to change Settings, view the Lobby, track Season Progress, view Last Match Results, get News, and view Patch Notes, Support, and Credits.

  • The Text Chat can be brought up at any time by holding the Menu button (on controller). Messages can be typed and sent to other players in the lobby or in a match.


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